Filter Cleaning

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Importance of Filter Cleaning

Filter Cleaning is an essential task in maintaining the effeciency and effectiveness of your aquarium. You can easily learn this from our company River Gallery. Here's an explanation of filter cleaning frequency for canister filters and internal filters:

Canister Filter Cleaning:

  • 1. Cansiter filters are typically larger and have multiple filtration compartments, including mechanincal, biological, and chemical media.
  • 2. It is generally recommended to clean a canister filter once a month to ensure optimal performance.
  • 3. To clean a canister filter, first, disconnect the filter from the power source and remove it from the aquarium.
  • 4. Take out the filter media and rinse it with aquarium water. avoid using the tap water, as it may contain chlorine or other harmful chemicals.
River Gallery

Internal Filter Cleaning

Internal Filters are compact and are placed directly inside the aquarium, usually attached to the glass or placed on the substrate.

  • 1. Due to their smaller size and simplified design, internal filters require more frequent cleaning compared to canister filters.
  • 2. It is genrally recommended to clean an internal filter once a week.
  • 3. Start by unplugging the filter and removing it from the aquarium. disassemble the filter by following the manufacturer's instructions.
  • 4. Rinse the filter media, such as foam pads or cartridges, with aquarium water to remove debris and accumulated waste.
  • 5. Use a soft brush or sponge to clean the impeller and other removable parts, ensuring that no blockages or build-up are present.
River Gallery